Saturday, December 31, 2011

My New Year's Resolution

Hi,  You do not know me.  My name is Holly, and I have a problem.  Several, in fact.  I love to cook.  I hate to clean.  I would rather not spend my entire day in the kitchen cooking so I do not.  BUT, I want to feed the minion and the hubbins healthy foods that I know they will eat.  Sounds easy right?  Yeah, not so much.  It is hard.  Really hard.  What is a house wife to do?  Stay in the house all day and ignore the kids so there is a hot dinner on the table when the man of the house gets home? HAHAHA  No. Sorry honey. I have a million little things to do every day, and I bet you do to.  Do you work?  Have kids?  Just hate to hang out on the house all day?  Yeah no one wants to stay inside all the time.  I am NOT a domestic goddess.  I am a domestic ditz.  I taught myself to cook, force myself to clean, and generally do my best to do a good job as a mom and a wife.  I am sure June Cleaver would be ashamed of me, but to hell with her.  Lets drink with Lucy, and have a good time.  I am going to show you how I do it...teach you all my tricks to have a marginally clean home, and hopefully remind you life is too short to stress about things that are not as important as we often think they are ( if I dust will my ids like me better?!).  I have NO idea what I am doing.  I am not always organized.  Please, for the love of god, tell me what YOU want to see.  I will probably get side tracked and spend an hour writing about my favorite type of cat litter if I run out of things to talk about ( I am not kidding at all).

Tomorrow I will talk about my favorite thing to do in my kitchen. * Hint* not bleaching the floors! 

My new years resolution is to follow through on this blog and post at least 3 times a week.  Sometimes I will do more ( and some weeks I may do less).  I am doing this because several people I know have asked me to start a cooking blog.  I am not sure it will be interesting, but I will give it a shot.  So, Starting tomorrow ( how did it get to be 2012 already!?!) I will start imparting words of wisdom ( chaos?) to those of you who have been asking me to talk about cooking.  Leave me comments telling me what you want to know how to cook, and I will totally share it with you. 

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